Monday, July 25, 2011

Janet Wisdom

My niece Adrianna asked my mom the other day "The blog talks about what Uncle David did for Aunt Janet, but what did she do for him?" I have to admit, I was taken aback, as I didn't think I was being that self centered. But perhaps I'm focusing on what I could do, as that makes me feel better about my otherwise somewhat torpid self.

The quick answer is, of course, "everything". But if I had to say the one thing I truly miss in a daily functional sense is her perspective. As most of you know, I'm a bit frenetic, which is a polite word for scattered. I tend to chase down fourteen projects at once, often at the expense of, you know, actually finishing them. Janet on the other hand would nip onto something and hold on until she'd thoroughly shredded it (for some reason, canid analogies come easily). She'd turn to me and often say "Your problem is that whenever you're doing something, you're feeling guilty that you aren't doing something else."

And that's something she never had. Well, perhaps occasional guilty feelings (certainly more so than Molly). But I'd be hard pressed to think of many regrets she had due to her own actions. Frustrations and wishes she could do more, sadly yes. But as the saying goes, "No one on their death bed ever wishes they'd spent more time at the office". Thankfully, that wasn't an issue with her. And I try to hear that perspective as I go through the day, and feel less guilt that I'm playing with the dog when I should be practicing. Certainly, she never felt that way!

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