Friday, May 27, 2011

Broughton High Flute

Janet's mother Alma writes...

With Janet on first flute, Broughton High School entered the annual North Carolina statewide orchestra competition where each year visiting contestants from around the state would stay overnight in the homes of local parents for the two-day event. But that year, with the contest scheduled in Asheboro, NC, there were not enough hosts available for the Broughton musicians. Broughton would have to withdraw.

A determined fourteen year-old Janet refused to accept the cancellation. Raleigh to Asheboro is a little less than eighty miles. Starting with her own mother and the mothers of her friends she wheedled, pleaded and begged until a convoy of very early rising parents left Raleigh at 6 a.m. in cars packed with sleepy young musicians to arrive in time for the 8 a.m. start. Some parents stayed all Saturday to drive the competitors home. The journey was repeated on Sunday when there were not enough parents and Alec and I were dragooned into driving two separate carloads.

Broughton won again!

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